29 November, 2005

Why Food?

Food forms such an important part of our lives - aside from sustenance and nutrition - I believe it's also one of those things which can bring families and friends together. Whether it's a formal six course meal or just a BBQ... or your mother's roast dinners.

The meal is merely a part of the entire experience of food. The purchasing (or foraging) of ingredients, the preparation, the cooking, the setting of the table, the serving of the meal, the wines and drinks which accompany, the conversation, and the DESSERTS (even the cleaning up afterwards...) all form part of the unique experience of food.

I'm not a chef by training or profession, infact most of my 'training' has been the direct result of cooking around the home (and often making some very important mistakes!!!). One very important thing I've 'discovered' in my experimentation is ALWAYS TASTE YOUR FOOD during its preparation.

I've found the cooking (and eating) experience to be both a science and an artform. It's experimenting with the combination of the best ingredients with textures and flavours coupled with the final presentation... yes trial and error has a lot to do with the experience too... so don't be deterred if you 'fail' the first time round.

I believe cooking should be less the regimental adherence to recipes and more the discovering of the 'feel' of food, adding your ingredients depending on climate, seasonal variation, produce availability, and of course individual taste preferences. Above all I believe your food gives out what you put in, always prepare food with passion and feeling (and never in anger or whilst you are in a bad mood... it's be better to order out than to cook with negativity). I like to call it 'Feel Food'©. So feel free to adjust the Feel Food© recipes found here to suit yourself.

In combining the freshest ingredients with the what is readily available, a Feel Food© meal can be as simple as Fried Eggs or as complex as only your imagination will take you.



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