21 January, 2006

Coffee !!!

As a self confessed Coffee Addict it’s only appropriate that I include some of my favourite alcoholic and non-alcoholic coffee recipes here.

Before I get there, we’ll start with the basics. I recommend that any required sugar is added prior to adding the coffee (you might like to add a little hot water to completely dissolve the sugar first). This helps maintain the integrity of the crema (and froth) while the coffee is being savoured.

An Espresso is a shot (30-35mL) of dark intense concentrated full bodied coffee made by passing very hot water through finely grounded dark roast resulting in a stable layer of volatiles (crema) and is the foundation of all café coffees. Espresso is generally served as SOLO (1 shot) or DOPPIO (double shot).

A single or a double shot of Espresso and hot water. The hot water is added first to maintain crema.

An Espresso with steamed milk. A Flat White is served in a regular coffee cup or mug. The layer of froth on the top is only 2mm to seal the coffee.

Literally meaning ‘marked’, a Macchiato is traditionally served as an Espresso with a small dash of milk and a dollop of froth in the middle of the crema. I prefer to use froth only and allow this to slowly melt and mark the coffee.

Derived from the Italian cappuccio meaning ’hood’. The Cappuccino is so called because it resembled the colour of the Capulcin friar’s hood. A Cappuccino is just a little under 2/3 milky coffee (Espresso and steamed milk) and 1/3 froth, dusted with chocolate, nutmeg or cinnamon.

Think 1:1:1... That is - Espresso:Milk:Froth EASY!!

Same as a Cappuccino but with the addition of drinking chocolate added into the Espresso prior to adding steamed milk and froth.


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